
Butoh and Noguchi Taiso Workshop
In my workshops I convey the very principles where movement has its seeds in – spirals, waves, gravity. The research into the origins of movement linked to the origins of language is the core of my work.
Everyday movements such as standing, walking, giving, covering etc. are taken into account as well as their emotional aspects. Thus we will experience movements in a comprehensive way and come to perceive the structure of our bodies as a true feeling.
This will enable us to step out of entren- ched patterns and experience movement anew in its emotional and physical dimensions.
By viewing every single movement as a gesture or sculpture with clear expression, we create our dance vocabulary.
With the help of images and parables drawn from touching life experiences, we will improvise playfully, free-falling into the given moment.
The workshops address professionals in dance and theatre as well as amateurs of all ages.

Fifteen days training, two times around three hours per day. Every five days one day off. You will sleep in a double room and we would cook all together.

Place: Molières sur Cèze, not to far from Nimes.

For more informations please use Contact Form.